How To Live Your Day Dream: A 3 Part Series hosted by Tammy Lally
Close your eyes and breathe. Well, read the rest of this paragraph first, and then do that. What do you dream of doing with your life? If you could have a dream job and get paid for it, what would it be? No matter how outrageous it is, be honest with yourself. What is your day dream?
When Tammy asked herself that question, she realized she wanted to help change people’s lives by giving them financial freedom. After a tough start in life, she took the necessary steps to change her money beliefs with the intention of living her daydream, and now she wants to help you live yours!
How to Live Your Day Dream is a 3 Part Series that Tammy recently presented to young Entrepreneurs at University of Central Florida, in an effort to encourage them that they can do ANYTHING they want to do, they just have to dream it. For the next few weeks, I will blog/summarize her inspirational words on how to shape your future, mentally and financially, however, it should be noted that hearing Tammy present this in person is a life changing experience. If you, someone you know, or a group, would like to have Tammy Lally, the Money Coach, speak and enlighten, please contact her!
Part 3: Make Room for the New
At this point of your self discovery, you should be able to have a realistic plan of how to achieve your daydream. Are you excited about it? Discouraged? How is all this going to work?
This is my story. As a young adult, I thought I was doing everything right to be successful, at least as how my parents had taught me to define it. I went to college and got not one but two bachelors degrees. I got an entry level job. I had a nice car, great apartment, and was even able to start a savings account. On the inside, I was miserable. My job was in a corporate office where everyone was competitive and spoke down to each other, I didn’t even use my degrees from college to get this job, and my student loan debt was probably going to be handed down to my great grandkids at the rate I’d been paying it off.
I wanted a change, knew I had a daydream, had no idea how to get there. Following a path, similar to Tammy’s steps 1 and 2, I decided I wanted to go into technology (still completely unrelated to my degrees, but something I was very passionate about). I kept my miserable job but balanced it with going back to school, for a 6 month program, and upon finishing had no idea what to do. My full time job, no matter how much it sucked, paid my bills. It had benefits and security and I knew it and everyone in the office. Was I ready for such a huge step towards my daydream?
This is where Tammy stepped in and taught me, and hopefully now all of you, how to make room for the new.
The thing stopping most of us from fulfilling our goals is FEAR. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. So what do you fear? What’s stopping you?
My personal fear was what was going to happen if I quit my secure job to become a freelance blogger and couldn’t find work? What if I couldn’t pay my bills? Would I become homeless? Would I never have a good job again?
Tammy recommends you ask yourself, “is this real or imagined?”
In actuality, most of my fear wasn’t reasonable. Although finding a job was hard, I was too determined to give up on my dream. If I couldn’t pay my bills, I had backup options (asking to borrow money, second jobs, pawning things). And becoming homeless was ridiculous, I knew too many people who cared about me to let that happen.
So I did it. I conquered fear in an effort to live my daydream.
I took a leap of faith and quit my job of 3 years to live a life of travel and experiences and freedom of the typical daily grind. I have been in technology since December now and have never felt more accomplished despite not doing what others might perceive as “successful”.
You can do this!
Tammy would love to hear about how you are Living your Daydream or where you are at on your journey! Contact her here or on Facebook!