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Money Shame – A 3 Part Series Hosted by Tammy Lally, The Money Coach

That Feeling. The one you get when you swipe your credit card, or take a test drive of a new car. The one that overcomes me personally when I walk into Target to buy 2 things and come out with 18. It’s an exhilaration that turns into realization that turns into questioning and regret, which just leads to trying to find more of that feeling to make ourselves feel better.

Money Shame – A 3 Part Series Hosted by Tammy Lally is based on a TED Talk that Tammy Lally gave on June 24th at the Dr. Phillips Center, focusing on defining, identifying, and changing our ideas on Money Shame. This is the conclusion of me blogging/summarizing her inspirational words, however, it should be noted that hearing Tammy present this in person is a life changing experience. If you, someone you know, or a group, would like to have Tammy Lally, the Money Coach, speak and enlighten, please contact her.

Part 3: Money Forgiveness

Quick recap. We all have money shame. You have admitted to money shame. You’re following your dollars, speaking to someone about your financial fears and behaviors, and are committed to a lifestyle change.

There are all great steps in the right direction, but there’s one more piece to this money shame puzzle. FORGIVENESS

Debt is a tangible manifestation of NOT forgiving. If you have debt, you have not COMPLETELY forgiven your past. Our work is to forgive ourselves and others so we can live freely. Otherwise, history will continue to repeat.

When was your first money memory? How did your parents speak about and treat money growing up? Was money tight? Was it a constant struggle to have basic necessities? What did your family consider basic necessities?

Maybe it was the other way around. Maybe your parents flaunted money. Spent it foolishly. You could even have been taught the value of the dollar, how to save and spend wisely. So what happened?

All of these things that you saw, heard, and were taught growing up – what did you do with them? Learn from them, repeat them, rebel against them? All these learned behaviors have led to money beliefs which are internalized into your money shame story. The solution to break from these learned behaviors is not a budget or beating yourself up but instead breakthrough from your denial and a big dose of self compassion.

So how exactly do you do that? Surrender, faith and forgiveness. It is not a quick fix, it is a slow wake up but shift will happen. Don’t quit.

“I did this work and experienced deep and profound forgiveness. Forgiving myself and forgiving my family gave me the space to let go of my past, and make room for the life that was waiting for me. I moved to a new city and created my dream job. Today, I am living on purpose. I serve and money serves me.” – Tammy Lally

It only takes one person to break through the money shame cycle and potentially save lives.

I want you to be the one.

Need help forgiving and letting go of your past? Tammy Lally, the Money Coach is helping many heal and achieve financial freedom. Call her. Also, check out The Money Detox Circle – a group of women that meet the 2nd Saturday of every month, to discuss anything money-related. For more information, click here:




Tammy Lally

I BELIEVE MONEY IS NOT YOUR WORTH. Tammy Lally is an author, speaker, and Certified Money Coach (CMC). She helps others master their finances by first conquering their emotions around money, then by creating a comprehensive financial plan. She brings decades of experience and endless love to her bulletproof process for money mastery. She is the author of the book Money Detox, and her TED talk on Money Shame has over 2 million views.

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